When it comes to protecting your plants, you are also protecting your investment. There is nothing worse than coming outside the morning after a big or small planting project to find the new seedlings ripped to shreds by pests!
While there are sprays out there such as Plantskydd, a natural repellent, using a ‘Plant Guard’ or sleeve as some people call it, is the most guaranteed and long-term way to insure against your plants future and allow them to survive and thrive. But with so many options out there and different threats, how do you choose?
Download our Plant Protector Comparison Sheet
The first thing to ask is what I am protecting my plants from? In NZ, what is needed in one end of the country can be completely different from the other end due to a range of factors. For example, in Central Otago, the plants will need to be protected from the koni (rabbit), the curse of the deep south, while in Rotorua, the pesky pukekos may be more of a threat to the plants with their vicious habits. So, wherever you are based on Planet Earth, consider your geographical location and its local inhabitants and weather patterns.
What are the weather conditions in your area like?
Geographical area and weather conditions can have a huge impact on the growth of your plants. These can also affect the plant guard and you need to know that the guard is strong enough to stand up against the elements.
Biodegradable or Plastic?
This is an ethical choice and is very pertinent currently with the goal to reduce our footprint. Plastic guards last longer and are generally reusable and businesses will usually offer a takeback programme so if you are considering this, ask how they can be sustainably disposed of once their lifecycle is complete. Biodegradable guards ensure you can install them, knowing there is no harm to the earth and will biodegrade saving you the removal time. The key thing to note with biodegradable guards is that they will break down in 1-2 years depending on environmental conditions.
A biodegradable plant guard Combo at Styx Mill, Christchurch.
Do you need moisture retention & weed control?
Will you be spraying near the seedlings? If you are, the solid sleeves offer great protection from spray drift. As an earth-friendly alternative to spraying, a biodegradable weed mat which can be purchased in rolls or precut squares to suit offers an excellent long-term weed suppressant solution. Mats are fast and easy to install at the time of planting and offer great moisture retention and weed control providing ideal growing conditions for most plants. This plantguard & mulch mat combo will offer a premium solution to protect and nurture your investment. It is best to ask yourself this as the time of planting as you don’t want to retrofit these later. The options are offered in a variety of sizes and fibres such as EcoWool, EcoJute, EcoCoir & TerraFibre Hemp to suit your application.
A winning combination of CombiGuards & EcoJute to help these plants survive.
In this age where we are trying to bring our surroundings back to nature. Plant protection is becoming a necessity and this is one of the many imperative steps towards retaining the beautiful natural NZ environment that is in danger of disappearing.
You can be confident that however small or large your planting project is, there will be a solution so you can insure against any threat to your environmental investment.
Click here to view our Comparison Chart: makes it an easy decision!