
From Plant Guard to Fence Post: A New Partnership

Pondering what to do with your used plastic guards? We have a solution!

Advance Landscape Systems are excited to announce our recent partnership with Future Post, a plastic recycling company turning waste plastic into fence posts.

The Plastic Dilemma

While we pride ourselves in stocking an ever-growing range of biodegradable and sustainable plant guards, many of our customers still prefer to opt for our range of KBC plastic guards which are particularly suited to certain environments and are among the most cost-effective options. We always encourage customers to re-use the guards where possible, however there comes a time when the guard is no longer needed.

With our commitment to providing sustainable options to our customers, the Plastic Question is something we have been pondering for some time as a company. How could we provide a range of product options to suit all customers, while maintaining our sustainability commitment and reducing the environmental impact of our products?

Enter, Future Post.

Future Post is an innovative NZ company that have found a way to recycle domestic and commercial plastic waste, which they use to produce BioGro™ certified fence posts. This has the two-fold benefit of reducing the amount of plastic waste going into landfill, as well as providing an alternative option to treated timber fencing which can cause the leaching of chemicals into the soil and waterways. Future Post offers a partnership program to like-minded companies wanting to provide a recycling option for their plastic products.

What this means is that when plants are well established and no longer require protection from pests and other elements, the KBC plastic guards can now simply be returned to us. Our team will then collate and send the guards to Future Post, to be processed through their recycling facility and manufactured into fence posts. It’s a simple way for us to continue creating a positive environmental and social impact.

Why did we partner with them?

  • We share similar values
  • They are BioGro™ Certified
  • There are is no quality requirements for the integrity of the plastic; they can be returned straight from the field without any cleaning requirements
  • They are innovative; always looking for a new solution for problem plastic
  • They are in the rural sector and not only create fence posts but other products

How can I join in and recycle my plastic guards?

If you are an Advance customer and wish to take advantage of our new recycling program with Future Post, it’s easy.

  1. We accept any KBC TriGuards & Squareguards (green) or our Combiguard sleeves (tan & green)
  2. We will require a proof of purchase (yes, we only take our guards back ;-D)
  3. Package up your guards, no need to clean them at all!
  4. Either drop them off at our Christchurch branch – 491 Waterloo Road, Islington, our Auckland branch – 126 Captain Springs Road, Onehunga or our Whangarei branch – 6 Springs Flat Road, Kamo or send to the following address;

Future Post Recycling Program
c/o Advance Landscape Systems
126 Captain Springs Road

I want to know more…

Future Post is doing some great work and if you would like to find out more about them, be sure to visit their website here.
Follow us on social media to see our progress and numbers, we have a goal, and with the help of our customers we want to get there!

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